Current Heritage Board of Directors Elected March 2023
HERITAGE AT CADENE Board member, X Ecker.

X Ecker

Darcy Coulter

Photo of heritage board member, Gene Stump

Gene Stump

The Heritage Homeowners Association has a number of COMMITTEES that assist the Board of Directors with regard to various areas of responsibility concerning the Association. The committees are made up of volunteers from within HOA and each committee has a chairperson and members. These committees are extremely important to our community and the residents who volunteer are providing a real service to Heritage. To find out more about a Heritage committee, contact the committee Chairs listed below.

For more information about a committee, roll over the images.


Lee Atkins

What is Neighborhood Watch?

In essence, Neighborhood Watch is a crime prevention program that stresses education and common sense. It teaches citizens how to help themselves by identifying and reporting suspicious activity in their neighborhoods. In addition, it provides citizens with the opportunity to make their neighborhoods safer and improve the quality of life. Neighborhood Watch groups typically focus on observation and awareness as a means of preventing crime and employ strategies that range from simply promoting social interaction and “watching out for each other” to active patrols by groups of citizens.

Ask at the front desk how you can volunteer to be a Watch Captain for your street.